Automatic Boilers for Solid Fuel

Automatic boilers with containers for solid fuel are the ideal choce for every home, office or any other premises (store, school…). You will find a wide selection in our range to satisfy every customer. We specialize in automatic boilers for solid fuel for small, mid-size and large premises. We can design, ensure and install cascading systems of boilers, up to 400 kW. Independent boilers then reach a heat performance from 14 to 99 kW. A 3-thrust exchanger construction ensures high effectiveness, which ranges from 85-96%. The supply of fuel from the built-in container into the combustion chamber is ensured by an automated mechanism. The volume of the container ranges from 180 to 4000L.

Easy Maintenance and Service of Benekov Boilers

If you don't prefer frequent re-loading, you will be pleased by the time demand for servicing the automatic boilers. Heating care will not take you more than 10 minutes per day. The fuel container enables service-free operations for various time periods - from 1 to 7 days! Apart from the automatic boilers, the service demands depend on the type and quality of fuel. The intensity of operations is also important. It is sufficient to clean the heating unit once every 4 to 6 weeks. If manual cleaning of the heating unit and ash removal is not for you, it is possible to purchase a wide range of accessories for various automatic boilers, for example, a de-asher, automatic cleaning of the exchanger, a back-up power source, a chimney valve, a lambda probe, etc. Some of the accessories  already come as standard with the boiler.

Accessories for Automatic Boilers

We have equipped the automatic boilers with a container for solid fuel with a wide range of nice accessories. An emergency thermostat, which serves to protect the heating system against over-heating, ensures safe operation. The motor of the screw conveyor is equipped with a thermal fuse to prevent overloading. The safety fuse secures the boiler from fuel burning into the fuel container during extended periods of power outage. Selected solid fuel boilers are equipped with a Siemens Climatix control unit. The unit has equithermal regulation, the possibility to control 2 heating circuits and a completely unique connection possibility for remote access via the Internet.   

5 Year Warranty

If the boiler is installed according to the Technical documentation for installing Benekov boilers, and the hydraulic components, as defined by the manufacturer, are used, the boiler has an extended 5 year warranty.

Naše produkty

Benekov - firma s tradicí

Zkušenost, inovace, flexibilita, komunikace a moderní řešení šitá na míru našim zákazníkům. To je Benekov, výhradně česká firma s tradicí od roku 1949.

Nejlepší dostupné
Komplexní řešení
výroby energií
Nejlepší technické
na českém trhu
Špičkový servis
po celé ČR
Česká firma
a tradice
od roku 1949
Vlastní výzkum
a vývoj

Moderní technologie Benekov

Využíváme nejmodernější technologie. Nabízíme nejlepší technické řešení na českém trhu. Máme vlastní výzkumné a vývojové středisko.

VÍCE informací
Kabely Podlaha LCD Kotel Solární panely Venkovní jednotka Vnitřní jednotka Lampa Větrná elektrárna

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